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soluzioni Agrimat brevettate per la lavorazione del fico d'india

The Processing of Prickly Pear: A Winning Choice with Agrimat's Advanced Solutions.

Agrimat designs and manufactures unique plants for the 360° transformation of prickly pear: leaf, flower, fruit.

About the prickly pear.

"The prickly pear, also known as Opuntia, is a plant with multiple virtues, mainly found in Mediterranean regions and some areas of Latin America. This fruit, representing an excellent agri-food resource, is increasingly attracting the attention of food industry operators due to its nutritional properties and numerous applications. In this context, Agrimat stands as an essential reference point for those wishing to enter the prickly pear supply chain, offering advanced solutions for its processing."

  • Anatomy of Opuntia: A Comprehensive Resource to Harness
  • Extraction of Oil from Prickly Pear Seeds
  • Processing of Prickly Pear Flowers
  • Extraction of Gel and Flour from Prickly Pear Leaves

"Opuntia Anatomy: A Comprehensive Resource to Be Valued"

Opuntia is an extraordinary plant, characterized by a complex and versatile structure. Starting from its unique anatomy, Agrimat has developed cutting-edge machines with which it is possible to exploit every part of it: from the succulent fruit to the delicate flower, from the seeds to the precious pulp of the pads. This richness offers a wide range of opportunities for the agri-food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries.

Estrazione olio dai semi del fico d’india

Extraction of Oil from Prickly Pear Seeds

The small seeds of the prickly pear can be utilized to extract a precious oil, rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids. Agrimat's technology enables an efficient and eco-friendly extraction process, ensuring maximum yield and oil quality.

Estrazione di Gel puro dalle foglie del fico d’india (pale)

Processing of prickly pear flowers to extract essential oils

The prickly pear flower is a delicate delicacy, appreciated for its unique flavor and beauty. Thanks to Agrimat's advanced technologies, it is possible to extract and process floral extracts with precision and delicacy, preserving their aroma and properties intact.

Estrazione di Gel dalle pale tagliate

Extraction of Pure Gel from Prickly Pear Leaves (Pads)

The pads of the prickly pear represent a precious source of raw material for multiple industrial sectors, from cosmetics to bio-construction. With Agrimat's solutions, it is possible to maximize the value of this precious material, while ensuring reduced environmental impact.

Prickly pear leaves are a rich source of beneficial health compounds, such as polyphenols and betalains. With Agrimat's technology, it is possible to extract and concentrate these substances to produce superior-quality pure gel and dried flours for dietary supplements or pharmaceutical products.

Lavorazione dei fiori di fico d’india per estrarre olii essenziali

Would you like more information about Agrimat's solutions for prickly pear processing? Contact us!

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Agrimat macchine e soluzioni per il food processing

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Agrimat s.r.l. 

S.S. per Voghera, 97/1

15057  Tortona (AL)





8-12.30 am 2-5.30 pm



+39 0131 866304